Annually, the Chamber of Commerce hosts the Pardners N’ Prosperity luncheon to honor important areas of Cheyenne’s heritage.
These cornerstones include western heritage, agricultural roots, and military presence. Keep Riding will focus on these themes to continue this tradition and will do so in accordance with state health recommendations.
The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted our community significantly – imposing hardships on economic strength and community health. The mission of the Chamber is to “to make the greater Cheyenne area a more prosperous and quality community.” Businesses are the backbone the economy and for that reason, the Chamber works to serve, protect, and promote them each day. We believe this event is an opportunity to safely improve morale while supporting Cheyenne and one another.
Because the impact of COVID-19 continues to change rapidly, our action plans and response will evolve accordingly. We feel it is imperative to create an environment for businesses and industry to thrive as safely as possible.
If you are not already registered for this great event, be sure to do so before our deadline on Thursday, July 16th at 12:00 p.m. View the following document to learn how the Chamber plans to get back in the saddle, safely. If you have any questions about our safety protocol, give us a call at (307) 638-3388. Stay strong Cheyenne.