The Business of Politics! The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce has your voter guide to Pro-Business Candidates. Reverse Endorsements provide the business community the best way to identify business friendly candidates for office.
Every campaign season, the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce provides its members with reverse endorsements that serve as a guide to identifying business friendly candidates. The reverse endorsement process includes a survey of candidates and all answers are available to the business community. If a candidate’s response does not align with the business communities views, the candidate simply does not receive the
Chamber’s reverse endorsement.
“We at the Chamber have done your homework for you,” said Mike Williams, Chamber Action and Advocacy Board Chair and Jonah Bank Vice President. “We’ve asked the tough
questions and compiled the answers. The reverse endorsement process gives all political candidates the opportunity to let the Chamber and the business community
know if they agree with our positions on a variety of important business and economic development issues.” he said.
The process identifies potential elected officials who clearly support a robust community, vital economic development principles and who believe in a strong business community.Candidates were issued a series of questions specific to their race and had the option to participate. To qualify for a reverse endorsement respondents are required to answer the questions with 90% alignment with the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce’s mission for endorsement. These elements are critical to the success of our business community andthe Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce’s mission of To make the greater Cheyenne area a more prosperous and quality community.
“This process is a simple way of ensuring the Chamber, and its members, to endorse pro-business candidates who work to help our members be more successful,” Williams said.
Below is a list of candidates deemed "Pro-Business" by the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce in their respected races:
City of Cheyenne City Council
Ward I: Stefanie Boster & Scott D. Roybal
Ward II: Mark Rinne
Ward III: Georgia Broyles, Ken Esquibel, Jackson Quick, & Joe Shogrin
Laramie County Commissioner
Lee Filer
Linda Heath
Gunnar Malm
Troy Thompson
Boyd Wiggam
State of Wyoming's House of Representatives
House District #7
John Lyttle
Sue Wilson
House District #8
Bob Nicholas
House District #9
Landon Brown
House District #10
John Eklund
Jenefer Pasqua
House District #11
Jared Olsen
Calob Taylor
House District #12
Ryan Lindsey
House District #41
Sean Castaneda
Bill Henderson
House District #42
Juliet Daniels
House District #44
Paul E. Johnson
State of Wyoming Senate
State Senator District #5:
Fred Emerich
Ryan Wright
State Senator District #7:
Stephan Pappas
State of Wyoming
Wyoming State Auditor
Kristi Racines
Jeff Dockter
Wyoming Secretary of State
Ed Buchanan
Jim Byrd
Wyoming State Treasurer
Leland Christensen
Curt Meier
Wyoming Governor
Bill Dahlin
Foster Friess
Sam Galeotos
Mark Gordon
Harriet Hageman
Mary Throne
United States Wyoming Delegation
U.S. Senate
John Barrasso
Dave Dodson
Gary Trauner
Anthony Van Risseghem
U.S. House of Respresentatives
Liz Cheney
Greg Hunter