Cheyenne business resources
Action & Advocacy
Identifies key issues regarding the business community, by formulating plans to educate Chamber Partners on issues of political importance. With powerful influence and knowledge to advocate pro-business rules, regulations and policies, Action & Advocacy addresses matters on all levels of governmental activity. No charge and meets the first Tuesday of each month at 11:30 a.m.
Contact the Chamber, call 307-638-3388 or email Amber Leyba at
Wyoming Business Advocates
The Wyoming Business Advocates remains the strongest business voice in Wyoming and the Greater Cheyenne area on issues at the federal level. Local businesses and community members invest in this program to ensure a strong economic base for the community. The Committee offers consistency between leadership transitions and educates all on a shared vision. The Wyoming Business Advocates meet monthly on the last Thursday of each month at 7:30 a.m. or as needed.
Contact the Chamber, call 307-638-3388 or email Amber Leyba at
Chamber Business Council
Responsible for professional development offerings, networking and sales opportunities for Partners. The Committee also coordinates and plans Business Week and the Annual Banquet Awards and conducts the Chamber Business Accreditation Program. Meets the 1st Thursday at noon every month in the Depot 2nd floor board room.
Contact us: 307-638-3388 for more information or email Amber Leyba at
Leadership Cheyenne
The purpose of Leadership Cheyenne is to educate participants about the community and help them develop a desire and commitment for life-long civic trusteeship. This year-long program is tuition-based. The most recent graduates of the program organize a fundraising event for a beautification project for the community.
Tuition is $650 for the nine-month program.
Contact the Chamber, call 307-638-3388 or email for more info.
Military Affairs Committee
Maintains a harmonious and productive relationship between the community and all military units in the area through education and troop support. MAC coordinates Military May festivities for our Armed Forces, including a Governor's proclamation, Cheyenne Trophy awards, and Armed Forces Day Celebration, among other important programs throughout the year. Annual dues are $200, and the group meets monthly. Click Here for more information on the Military Affairs Committee.
Contact the Chamber, call 307-638-3388 or email Amy Elsasser at
Cheyenne Christmas Parade of Lights
This annual tradition kicks off promptly at 5:30 PM the Saturday following Thanksgiving in downtown Cheyenne. The parade tradition brings the community together for the holidays.
Scheduled in conjunction with a community Shop Small Saturday promotion, the event aims to create awareness around supporting local business through the "Shop Small" movement. The paradeconcludes with a tree-lighting ceremony in the Plaza.
The first float of the Christmas Parade is Toys for Tots and those attending are encouraged to bring unwrapped toys to the parade to help collect gifts for those in need.
Contact the Chamber, call 307-638-3388 or email
Red Carpet Committee
Red Carpet members are ambassadors who connect businesses, the community and the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce through
Red Carpet Ribbon Cutting events, volunteerism and the Beautification Award.
As a member of the Red Carpet Committee you will have the opportunity to meet and learn about many new and existing businesses in our community. The Red Carpet committee provides a great service to the Chamber and its member, and it also provides an opportunity for you to grow your network and awareness of your business.
For more information on how to join the Red Carpet Committee contact call 307-638-3388 or email