Let's face it, checks and balances exist for a reason. At the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, we owe it to our members to deliver results and when we are not meeting their standards, we want to hear from our investors to see what we can do to not only meet but exceed their expectations. The Chamber is essential when it comes to completing projects within a community. We can have a long term vision because as an organization we are not going away. We will be here and working with each Mayor, City Council, County Commission, Wyoming Legislature, and U.S. Delegation. Our term doesn't expire and we can make sure our policy makers maintain the focus we need to accomplish major projects. Here are some BIG projects on the horizon that we are focused on:
GBSD: We have to continue to advocate at the Congressional Level to keep the investment for GBSD on track. This is the modernization of the missile system at FE Warren. When awarded this would be $25 Billion to the region and much of these funds will have to be spent with local businesses. GBSDBound.com is a website to help businesses navigate this opportunity and we encourage everyone to check it out. We have set it up so businesses can connect with a Government Procurement Counselor too and this is most certainly an outstanding resource to get businesses position for when the project moves forward. We are also advocating to be the first Base to be modernized. There are three missile bases total being considered.
Front Range Rail: Increasing ease of access to our community to larger labor sheds is a huge priority to the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce. We have secured over $250 million from the Federal Government for I25 improvements but this is not enough to alleviate the amount of congestion this corridor has. Thus, we are focused on commuter rail and have made some solid strides. Rail plans between Wyoming and Colorado has been aligned. Funding projects have been identified to solidify environmental studies and feasibility analysis. And both States are working through their respective governments to get funding, and regulation in order.
Public WiFi: We are addressing public WiFi with a first pilot being in downtown Cheyenne Wyoming. Launched in July of 2019 performance has been solid and useful for both residents and visitors. We hope to launch further WiFi connectors in other public areas of the greater Cheyenne area. Check out the details.
Workforce Solutions: There is a labor market shortage and several solutions are being worked on to increase access to labor sheds. However, it is important to outfit our existing businesses with the tools they need to not only recruit their necessary workforce but retain them. We understand the role educational institutions play in this process, as well as government. Therefore the Chamber has started Talent Pipeline Management to full control the flow of talent within the community. Get involved in this effort- VISIT HERE.
Housing Shortage: Conducted this summer was a Housing Study that showed a deficit of 3,500 homes with existing population growth trends. This is not taking into account larger growth catalysts like GBSD or the Energy Sector. That said, the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, Cheyenne Board of Realtors and the Southeast Wyoming Builders Association are working on solutions to meet the market demands with the optimal supply. Many housing projects on the horizon will help but there are still a significant amount that needs to be complete. Here is the HOUSING STUDY.
Crow Creek Restoration: This vital water resource for Laramie County needs attention. The restoration of the Crow Creek Corridor, near I25 and Missile Drive is a 1.2 mile stretch, and needs to be cleaned up to help our agricultural industry in Southeast Wyoming, and for residents. It will also be restored to provide a more optimized place for recreation and is a place-making project for Laramie County. We are raising funds to help us pay for the overall restoration which will be over $2 million dollars once fully completed. It is right now being approached by phases to ensure completion. Make a donation or get involved now!